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  • Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA

Collaboration for business AI solutions: Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA

Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA is one of the first end-to-end enterprise solutions for artificial intelligence (AI) in the business environment, designed to meet the complex needs of enterprises. Dell Technologies is launching the "Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA", the industry's first end-to-end enterprise artificial intelligence (AI) solution. It was designed to make it

By |2025-01-16T09:08:48+00:0024.6.2024|
  • Green IT Data Center

Green IT: Significance and implementation potential

In times of increasing digitalisation and the transformation to an AI-driven society, Green-IT can help to meet climate targets and is becoming a critical competitive factor for companies. The global energy demand for data centres is between 200 and 1,000 terawatt hours (TWh) per year, depending on the source. To put this into comparison,

By |2025-01-16T09:09:14+00:0017.6.2024|
  • Kurier Artikel vom 10.05.2024

Hardwarewartung 24 gefeatured in Kurier

On 10.05.2024, the Austrian daily newspaper Kurier published an article about Hardware Maintenance 24. The article “Die Ökodesign-Richtlinie: Ein Meilenstein für die Green-IT Bewegung” describes how the 2021 EU directive represents an important step towards sustainability in the IT sector through extended product lifetimes and increased availability of spare parts. Third-party maintenance providers such

By |2025-01-16T09:09:43+00:0010.5.2024|
  • Artikel auf über

Hardwarewarung 24 featured on Profil

On February 28, 2024, the Austrian business magazine Profil published an article about and its use of AI for its business processes. The article “The evolution of the B2B market: AI as a driver of sustainable competitive advantage” explains how companies like Hardwarewartung 24 strategically use AI to reduce costs, win new customers

By |2025-01-16T09:10:08+00:0029.2.2024|
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