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  • FastCompany Executive Board Membership 2024

Hardwarewarung 24 featured on FastCompany

As a FastCompany Executive Board Member, we have the opportunity to publish our expertise directly on the FastCompany website. Now our first article is finally online! The article “Using AI to improve service quality and attract new customers in the third-party maintenance industry” shows how AI applications can increase the service quality of TPM

By |2025-01-16T09:10:32+00:0022.2.2024|
  • Yusuf Sar - CEO von Hardwarewartung 24 GbmH

Hardwarewarung 24 featured on Forbes

As a Forbes Technology Council member, we have the opportunity to publish our expertise directly on the Forbes website. Now our second article is finally online! You can read the article here: Forbes Article This time it took a little longer to publish it because: The research was extremely time-consuming. Unfortunately, there are virtually

By |2025-01-16T09:10:55+00:008.2.2024|
  • Forbes Technology Coucil Membership 2023

Hardwarewarung 24 member of Forbes Technology Council

After several rounds of questions and qualification interviews, we are pleased to announce that we have been an official member of the Forbes Technology Council since 2023. This not only confirms our market position as an innovation leader in the maintenance industry, but also authorises us to publish on Forbes Online. If you want

By |2025-01-16T09:11:19+00:008.2.2024|
  • Yusuf Sar - CEO von Hardwarewartung 24 GbmH

Hardwarewarung 24 featured at Business Insider

Following our breakthrough with Forbes, we have now also been featured in the Business Insider. Funnily enough, the article almost sounds like an advert for us. You can read the article here: Business Insider Article  It seems that our hypothesis about the future of the B2B maintenance market is not as far-fetched as our

By |2025-01-16T09:11:45+00:008.2.2024|
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