The fight for the middle class goes into the next round!
Just in time for the end of the year Hardwarewartung.com announces the next step in the fight for the middle class. This time, Yusuf Sar, founder and CEO of Hardwarewartung.com, wants to address another issue in mid-sized companies. The IT financing.
“We had some requests for new hardware purchases last year, but unfortunately we could not help our customers. Even though we can service our customers’ devices well beyond the End of Life period, many people want to upgrade to newer hardware sooner or later. Exactly here we had to fit until now. We do not have the resources for hardware trading in these dimensions. We have done some experiments with big hardware distributors and dealers like Techdata and Cancom to at least relieve the customers of the work, but unfortunately all experiments failed. Despite extensive consulting and really good conditions, we could hardly offer a better offer to a customer than the rest of the market. We have to think radically differently in order to create real added value for our customers in this market! I think that’s exactly what we’ve done now.”
This radical approach should include the entire hardware lifecycle. From the first moment, where the need for new hardware arises, over the decision making, which hardware is to be purchased concretely, up to financing and procurement all processes are to be covered.
“We were missing just one building block to serve the entire process. We have highly specialized service providers in our partner network who would love to pass on their expertise to their customers. We have access to all mainstream and lesser known hardware manufacturers. We have the know-how and the people to take over the maintenance and operation. Only in procurement and financing we had our problems. And exactly these we will have solved in the new year”.
Yusuf Sar is thus addressing the upcoming joint venture with an 80 million German IT financier, whose name he does not yet want to mention. Together, they want to develop a financing concept that will specifically help SMEs with the acquisition of hardware, software and services. With various rental and leasing models, even for small purchases, they want to solve the cash flow problem for customers on the one hand. And by a central purchase with already over 20 million hardware conversion they want to profit by the volume from the better prices.
In January of the new year, the cooperation will already start and the first customers will be served.
“We must listen very carefully to what problems SMEs still have and try to solve their wishes and requirements precisely. If we manage this, the new joint venture will be another mainstay of Hardwarewartung.com. Anyone who has a problem with IT financing or procurement should simply contact me. We will find a solution!