Welcome to DigiTal(k)! The first video series that deals with the topic of digitization in small and medium-sized enterprises. We present our second guest and managing director of Selling4Geeks. Alex Rammlmair.
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Video transcript
Welcome to Hardwarewartung.com
Your reliable provider for high-quality maintenance of Server, Storage, Network Devices at the Best Price. We proudly present the Digitalk. The Digitalk is a video series in which we interview our loyal customers and partners about digitalization. In recent years, we have all heard a lot about this topic in the media and trade magazines. But we wanted to know more. What does this topic look like in the reality of real companies? How do they perceive digitization? What measures do they take? And where do you think the journey is going?
Here comes the first exciting insight of our customer and partner.
Here he comes.
/Ende Intro
DigiTal(k): What are you doing exactly?
Alex Rammlmair: My company is called Selling4geeks, and my job is to help my clients take their businesses to the next level of growth. My clients are typically IT companies, above a certain size, who already have a sales team and now just want to take it to the next level. Maybe they want to double or triple their sales. Of course, this is a longer process, it doesn’t happen overnight, but it’s important that it works systematically.
DigiTal(k): how exactly
Alex Rammlmair: Historically, marketing and sales have been two different topics, different departments and different specialisations, which typically do not get along so well. Bringing these two together is certainly an essential part. I just don’t see how else it’s supposed to work if these areas of companies continue to operate independently and autonomously of each other. Nothing is coordinated or talked about.
DigiTal(k): What are you doing differently?
Alex Rammlmair:I specialize in IT companies. This means companies that deal with software, hardware or services related to IT. This means that I have a much better idea of how they tick, how their products work and vice versa, how their customers tick and how they perceive this.
DigiTal(k): How do you see the future of digitisation?
Alex Rammlmair: In this sense, digitization is remixing the cards. Certain things no longer work, others open up. Now, of course, companies are having a hard time figuring out what suits me and what does not. Of course, it is precisely in the area of growth and sales that it is relevant to find the way to the customer. How to make this bridge, to be noticed, to get there, to get into conversation, and of course that is more difficult in IT, as everywhere else. On the other hand, there are of course more and more opportunities, such as social media, automation or other topics. To deal with this now and to find the right strategy for a company, to find something that suits one that suits the customer, that fits the product, fits the people, that is quite a challenge.
Outro: Pretty exciting! Alex sees the topic of digitalization as a topic of perception. How do we manage in the future to reach our customers exactly in the infinite vastness of the internet, which is getting bigger and bigger? This will be a challenge.e.
/Ende Outro
Your Specialist for Hardware Maintenance at the Best Price
Links and information about the video
For more information about Selling4Geeks please visit
Selling4Geeks Website
Selling4Geeks on Facebook
Camera/Sound/Editing: Carina Bogner
Music/Sound Mixing: Clemens Wenger
Conception/Director: Günther Haiduk
Production: Yusuf Sar
Interview Partner: Otto Meinhart
The Local: Cafe Eiles Website